Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Day 44: Blogging About it (New La Croix)

 For all those who want to know if drinking sparkling water is the same as drinking regular water, the answer is no.  Sparkling water is fizzy and regular water is not. There is, however, no difference in the intake count for ounces. If you wish to drink fizzy water as opposed to tap water, bottled water, or whatever you call regular water, you can do that!  I am into the La Croix brand fizzy water myself.  I enjoy most of the flavors; the new one is awesome.  It is Beach Plum, and it does not disappoint!

    I've always been able to drink club soda and other fizzy waters. Several of my friends are not fans of it, but there I am just adding lemon or lime to it, and drinking it by the liters. I can do that for some reason, so I do that. I like water. I don't do sugar in my drinks, but I will do fizz!  Mind you, I don't start drinking fizzy water until after 4:00 p.m. as I'm doing coffee, tea, and lemon water until about that time. I have my schedule you know -- mustn't upset the body! LOL

    Speaking of upsetting the body, today was yet another day that my right knee has decided we won't walk. I put in about 11,000 steps yesterday, 16,000+ the day before and for the past few days before that I've been active.  Today, however, the knee simply quit around 4000 steps, then it began calling me names and I really just can't have that. I know when to stop and soak that thing until it stops spewing rudeness that it can't take back.  

    When I do decide to replace the damn thing I'll let the world know - - I deserve a knee that is willing to rock climb, run, jump rope, and have a good time. Where this one came from I don't know. It could be that I abused the hell out of it when I was growing up. I was a barrel racer, a gymnast, and a spirit clown at school.  I guess I may have taken my knees for granted a time or two during those years. It's had time to rest and relax - - I don't fully understand this body. I can't wait to get my new one in Heaven!  Any day now!! Maranatha!!

 Breakfast: bagel with cream cheese!

Snack: Licorice and trail mix

Lunch: I didn't eat it!  I may bran bread. It was great.

Lunch #2: A peach and kefir smoothie!

Dinner: Hamburger with rice (leftovers!) I finished it. (With cheese)

Water, Fizzy water, tea, water, and coffee!)


Photo Credit: AmeridcanFizz.co.uk

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